Monday, January 27, 2014

Elske McCain Trolls Rebekah Herzberg So Hard

As I said in earlier posting, I use to HATE Rebekah Herzberg until I found out the truth that Elske McCain is a pathological liar desperate for attention. I didn't know the full story of what actually happened between these two girls. Everyone was talking about it but I don't think anyone knew what started the feud. I joke to Rebekah that it reminds me of Paris Hilton vs Lindsey Lohan which is comical to everyone. There are two sides of every story. I've heard and seen Elske's side. It's like playing the game Clue. THIS is what really happened.

Rebekah and Elske became friends online when they discovered that they both had problems with a fellow actress. Elske fed Rebekah with never ending lies and Rebekah apologizes often for being so gullible. One day Elske asked the public what they thought about Ouija boards, Rebekah being an avid debater and disbeliever chimed in. She was respectful with her opinion and provided links to back up her opinions that Ouija boards are fake. I witnessed this argument so I remember it vividly. Rebekah was never disrespectful. Elske freaked out so Rebekah blocked her because she was saying some pretty off the wall things. See, Elske told me Rebekah was just mad that she couldn't be in her movie which I realize now that is just ridiculous. 

Soon Elske McCain began making several fake twitters of Rebekah calling her Rebekah Herpsberg and a Jew cunt. The twitters had photos of concentration camps, Hitler, and ovens. Elske posted these anti-Semitic things on her own page! This is weird because so many people she has worked with are also Jewish. She has no respect. Elske McCain made fake profiles of Rebekah Herzberg's dead grandmother and ex husband with photos of her daughter. Elske and her internet trolls made nearly 10 blogs calling Rebekah a pedophile. Luckily, Rebekah had them removed. Rebekah was 5 months pregnant when this was going on. My last straw was when I saw Pearry Teo begging Elske to leave Rebekah alone because she was pregnant and the stress of dealing with a stalker was overwhelming for her. Elske wouldn't give up. She made a post stating that she hoped she stressed Rebekah so hard that she miscarries. I saw this post with my own two eyes. I couldn't believe Elske anymore. BLOCKED! I gave her a chance when she was posting bizarre things before any of this happened. I thought maybe Elske would grow out of it but this was all getting tiresome. Elske tried to talk Rebekah into going on the Jeremy Kyle show with her. Rebekah declined. 

It seems Elske will never leave Rebekah alone. Rebekah has many things going for her this year so maybe that upsets Elske since her career is over. Recently she began spamming Rebekah's twitter again asking if her son has mental disabilities and posting a family member's address. Elske, I know you are reading. This behavior is not okay. You are spending hours on a computer stalking several actresses and trying so hard to find whatever information about them you can. I'm sure these girls are not perfect but they haven't done anything to deserve what you have put them through. Rebekah does not try to contact you. Stop playing the victim and own up to your crazy behavior. You are a racist, anti semitic head case and you need help. Several people have begged you to get help. Maybe it's time you listen. This is only the half of this brutal stalking. It would take far too much of my time explaining the whole situation.

Elske likes to make slanderous videos with fake screencaps of Rebekah thanks to Adobe and she spams them all over the net just like she dod with Dennis Willman. The video is often removed because it violates the terms. 


  1. Elske McCain made it sound like Rebekah was an obsessed fan with no talent nor business in the industry. To my amazement, Rebekah is a professional dancer, actress, model, and writer. Her modeling photos are professionally done. She is part of the Texas Frightmare Weekend staff and director of the horror portion of a Texas film festival. Now she is making her first film, is a WiHM Ambassador, and stars in plays. She even puts together charity events and is popular in her community. No wonder Elske hates her.

    1. In other words Rebekah is legit & Elske is not...making Rebekah a perfect target for her latest insane antics. This is why Elske has NO real friends on her FB list....only people she has never met!

  2. I always liked Rebekah & I knew this was coming! Elske is a madwoman & she cannot be friends w/ any other female. Most of the 'trolling' is by her loser boyfriend but she rages on him to do it & laughs at it manically. I will NEVER take the blog down I put up cos it's all true & as far as the videos being a 'joke' or an attempt to get a 'viral' vid, sure they are...Ben gave them to me willingly, Elske kept on harassing me & my 12 year old son, I posted them, End of story.

    1. Elske is nothing more than a butthurt loser who cannot handle other people having success in life...pretty much adds up to the consummate loser and failure that she is....

    2. Elske tried telling me that it wasn't even her in the video but it is her voice and poster on the wall.

    3. It's totally her in the video & to say otherwise is an obvious lie. Her voice is one of the few things about her that stands out & as was said, there are many photos of her in that exact room where the video is set. Ben Fraser her bf made the videos to blackmail her into hiding his computer crimes. I wouldn't even weigh in if Ben weren't still harassing me for doing what he asked...he told me to post the video because Elske called the police on him. After that, when he started to write blogs & postings & Elske wouldn't stop talking about me & posting publicly about me on her J. Rabid page, I posted the 2nd video out of anger & revenge. True story. Before she wrote on her page that I 'wanted to give BJ a BJ' I had not shown the video to even ONE person. Elske is entirely responsible for all the things that happen to her & to refer to herself as a 'victim' of 'bullies' is outrageous.
