Monday, January 27, 2014

Home Life For Elske McCain

People wonder what it's like in the home of Elske McCain. Her past troll friends made websites showing us just how abusive she is to her boyfriend and her own daughter. I do remember Elske posting a video where she shows how she trashed her own apartment because she was mad at her boyfriend. She also talked about how her car didn't have a windshield. Enjoy the videos of her yelling at her boyfriend because he could not afford to buy her expensive conditioner. Elske freaked on her fan page when this went public, contradicting herself and trying to make people believe it wasn't her in the video. It's clearly her.

What we know is that her real name is Elske Willis. She is a 37-year-old stripper. She lost custody of her children and barely sees them which is a good thing for those poor kids. She spends hours stalking people who are more successful on the internet. She is abusive. She takes Xanax and meth. Sometimes she scams old gross guys on the internet and begs them to pay her water bill. She creates IndieGoGo accounts that ask her followers to donate money so she could get a house and out of a crummy apartment. This is how real stars live people! Her boyfriend created a fake cam show company called EliteCamAgency on Twitter. All of her Twitter followers and Fan page likes are FAKE thanks to her buying likes and followers on Add Me She fakes pregnancies and she is a BAD actress. Clips of her terrible acting can be seen below.

Her daughter that she never sees has autism so she tries to gain sympathy for that which is disgusting. She gets suicidal often and has faked suicide on Facebook. Elske actually posted on her twitter that she did it once because she wanted to see if anyone cared. What a narcissist. Lets get one thing straight, I am not bullying someone suicidal here. She does this all the time for attention which is a slap in the face to real people who suffer through these feelings.

This is Elske McCain's boyfriend:

If anyone else has more Elske McCain stories they want to share with the rest of the class, email them to

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